BDSM Collar

Within BDSM, a collar is a sign of submission. It symbolizes possession and ownership. Historically slavel wore handcuffs and/or metal collars around their neck. Because of the difficulty to remove a metal collar (with lock), it visibly marks the wearer as propery of somebody else. In modern BDSM most collars are made from metal or leather. You can find hundreds of different designs on Etsy alone. Most of them have a ring on the front that can be used to attach a rope or a leash.. Besides the symbolism, a collar also has practical value in bondage and SM. It gives the dominant the ability to hold his submissive forcefully or even bind them to something and restrict their range.
Receiving a collar
Receiving a collar around her neck, is a beautiful moment for most submissives. The fact that you are honoured with a collar from your dominant, means there is a certain bond in place. It’s a bond that is often considered better than a common friendship. It’s a sign of trust to receive and accept a collar. For a kajira a collar is even more important. It’s a sign of ownership and includes the name of the owner engraved in the collar.
BDSM choker

It’s not always possible to wear a true collar als a BDSM slave girl. Often such a clear symbol is not acceptable in daily (work) life. In order to still show her submission to her master, you ofter see submissive women wearing a choker instead. A choker is a clear BDSM symbol that allows a sub to show her submission publicly to het dom, without attracting unwanted attention.
Collar with lock

A BDSM collar is a clear symbol of submission and property. A lot of Doms do not want their sub to have the ability to remove their own collar. It breaks the illusion or the dynamic when a sub has that control. That’s why you’ll see a lot od Doms using metal collars with a locking ability, or even a proper lock. A submissive cannot remove such a collar, and thus makes the sub fully dependent on her BDSM master. Many slaves intensely enjoy this feeling of dependency on their master.
SM Rules
As discussed, a collar is an important sign and symbol within BDSM. You’ll often encounter rules surrounding wearing collars or chokers within BDSM relations. Rules might exist that require the sub to wear a collar inside the house at all times, and a choker when she leaves the house. This is one of the things that I tend to require. A collar or choker on the neck of a submissive woman is something to enjoy, both by master and sub.